Thank you for your interest to provide editorial content for TEPA’s digital magazine, PluggedIn. Please take a moment to read through our editorial guidelines before submitting your materials.
Editorial Guidelines for PluggedIn Submissions
- Articles should take a broad view or provide an example shedding light on a broad area
- Should not be written as an advertisement / advertorial
- Should clearly identify the author, title and company
- Supporting images are required and must be suitable for digital use (72 dpi at size)
- Author(s) assumes copyright for images submitted to accompany the article
- Article cannot have been previously published in similar Association publication
- Author(s) agree that all of the contents, including contribution statements belong to the author
- All referenced 3rd party data should include the source(s), where needed/appropriate
- Authors may be encouraged to revise/resubmit article based on feedback
- Authors should inform TEPA if they become aware of any part of the article that requires correcting
- Author must include written permission to publish the article
- Final editorial copy will be approved by acting TEPA leadership